Illuminate Your Light was founded in 2007 by Vanessa to provide people with proven visualization techniques and solutions to life’s challenges. Whether you desire to optimally improve your physical, mental, emotional, spiritual health or increasing your ability to receive pleasure and joy from life, Vanessa's techniques work for everyone.
Illuminate Your Light has identified a challenged global population that urgently needs personalized, easy to access information to increase their chances of lifelong success and optimum health.
Our purpose is to teach people creative visualization Tools as a means of increasing one’s awareness. Awareness is the first step in realizing our most complete potential, and therefore, Our Best Life Ever! These Creative Visualization Tools lead to transformation, growth, and increased awareness, leading many to a consciousness they have never yet experienced.
The knowledge, use and application of these Tools will allow each person To Be re-inspired about the life they have always dreamed of living. When people are living their purpose for their own highest good, have love in their life and heart, feel abundant, then they are actively Co-Creating their own reality and therefore the world we all live. If people feel good and inspired, for and by their own highest and greatest good, then the world will be positively impacted due to this person's higher awareness and higher vibration which in turn, is for all humanities benefit.
These teachings transcend traditional religion, allowing people to create a personal relationship with Divinity.
In addition, we will create a healing network that surrounds the planet To Be a positive influence for all humanity, of all countries, everywhere. May it affirm and validate the highest good for all the world, while at the same time managing the physical, emotional and energetic growth of realizing what is necessary.
Abundant and healthy, nutrient-rich organic food, clean drinking water, nutrient-rich soil, fresh, clean life-enhancing air, safety, abundance, health, cooperation, sharing of knowledge, and education for all.
Illuminate Your Light wants to reach as many people as possible with an empowering message on self-awareness/personal development with an attitude of gratitude.
Delivered in a manner that is cutting-edge, effective and compelling, that has no harmful side effects and encourages empowered freethinking. A modality that is designed to respect all walks of life, regardless of socioeconomics, race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, physical disability, age, political views and religious affiliation. It's a place that honors the uniqueness of all and honors each person’s truth and expects all students and staff to do the same.
The WHY?
In the thousands of readings I have done, I encountered many people of varying ethnic origins, who have the greatest hearts of gold, diligent work ethic, are loyal, humble, devoted, intelligent and disciplined. They do all the right things they believe they need to do or should be doing to maintain the feelings of happiness, joy, harmony etc. However, most of these people are unable to sustain these feelings for any length of time, thereby causing internal frustration and turmoil. I feel these creative visualization Tools and techniques we teach, bridge this gap, without dogma, cloistering, meditating on a mountaintop for 30 years, and so on. Our goal is to allow each person the knowledge, use and application of these Tools to increase One's awareness, thereby empowering themselves to live their highest purpose, for their highest good.
These creative visualization Tools and techniques are practical and designed for all environments and situations. I believe if we have peace within, then we will also have peace in our homes, neighborhoods, workplace, communities, counties, states, countries, continents, and therefore globally as well.
Our belief is such that, if primitive people were able to communicate thru grunting, then created language, smoke signals, mailing services, cellphones, the internet, and so on. Then the natural progression would be for people to develop their innate intuition so we can have our natural wireless network in our heads and our hearts so that we may communicate with all people, all over the world, without verbal language barriers.
Welcome to the evolution of humanity.
Abundant Blessings,